335452 322922 322222 318166 271513 230562Choies has a huge summer savings discount on all spring and summer outfits and fashions for her going down right now and the deals are very awesome indeed, see the selections on bodycorn dresses, swimsuits plus tops and shorts for a limited time only.  These are the deals you’ve been waiting for so see the fashions of summer 2016 from Choices and get fabulous for summer.



Use code ‘swim10’ to get extra 10% off on order value up to $45.The code will expire on Aug.14th,2016.

Shorts start from $6.9 – Shop them now!

Bodycorn dress starts from $16.9

Use ‘June15’ to get 15% off on all orders up to $59!

Shoes Sale – Get $15 off $89,Expire on June 30th,2016.